The Accelerator Blog

Our best articles on mindset, challenges, techniques and strategy are here. Whether you are just entering into the field or a veteran, stay in the zone, maintain your groove and SERVE YOUR CLIENTS.

Outwork Your Self-Doubt linkedin prospecting tips sales Aug 12, 2022

Outwork your self-doubt. 

- Direct Message 70 people per day on LinkedIn instead of 30 
- Create 5 LinkedIn posts per week instead of 3
- Make 100 dials per day instead of 50
- Spend 2 hours creating high...

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Making Over 30,000 Prospecting Contacts Has Taught Me This! linkedin prospecting tips sales Aug 04, 2022

Making over 30,000 prospecting contacts has taught me a thing or two.

If I could do it all over, here are the top 5 prospecting mistakes I'd avoid:

Mistake #1: Trying too hard to be agreeable.

To b...

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