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What If People Aren’t Using Your Scheduling Link Because Your Calendar Isn’t Flexible Enough?

Mar 02, 2023
What If People Aren’t Using Your  Scheduling Link Because Your  Calendar Isn’t Flexible Enough?

What if people aren’t using your scheduling link because your calendar isn’t flexible enough?

Meaning, what if they decide to not book a time to meet because your schedule doesn’t align with theirs?

You might think they’re lazy for not booking a call, but maybe it’s because you’re too rigid.

This is something I’ve experienced lately.

For the past year, prospects have only been able to schedule a time with me on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

So if someone wanted to schedule a call on ANY other day, they weren’t able to.

From an “optimizing your schedule” perspective, this is great.

From a “being an effective salesperson” perspective, this isn’t so great.

I get it, we all have different schedules and random life events happen.

But it’s important to be available to your prospects when THEY want to meet with you.

Not just when YOU want them to meet with you.

This doesn’t mean you need to open up your schedule all day, every day to the public.

But try not to be TOO limited with your scheduling availability.


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