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It's Important For You To Not Use Too Much Jargon In Your Prospecting

finacial advisors prospecting online prospecting tips Dec 21, 2022
It's Important For You To Not Use Too Much Jargon In Your Prospecting

It's important for you to not use too much jargon in your prospecting.

Meaning, don't use words/phrases that aren't COMMONLY used throughout society.

For example, I was typing out an email last week to our clients telling them not to lose focus on their business heading into year-end, and I almost said the below phrase:

"Make sure not to check out for Christmas yet."

But I stopped for a moment and throughout about how "check out" has many meanings. One of the meanings is that "check out" is related to a store purchase, and given the fact that it's a holiday season, "check out" probably makes people think about shopping, and NOT business.

So, the below version is what I actually sent:

"Make sure not to mentally 'check out' for Christmas yet."

Small, subtle differences like these can seem unimportant, but I promise they make ALL the difference in the world when you're prospecting here on LinkedIn.


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