Are BIG Goals Counter Productive?
Jul 15, 2022This is controversial:
BIG goals are COUNTER-productive. Here's how:
Let's say that your BIG goal is to bring in 20 clients this month. But last month you only brought in 3 clients.
The month before, you only brought in 2 clients. And three months ago, you only brought in 1 client. So, between those 3 months, you're averaging 2 clients per month (6 clients total).
So, to be honest with yourself, if you're averaging 2 clients per month, HOW do you expect to 10x your results all of a sudden?
So, rather than jumping from 2 clients per month to 20 this month, why not aim for 5 clients this month?
Once you hit that goal, why not aim for 7 clients? Then 10? Then 13? Then 16, and so on... It often sucks to fail miserably on a goal. So, why fail month after month after month?
It's good to stretch yourself, but you also need a tactical game plan for HOW you're going to achieve your goal(s). Keep in mind, that this is NOT a post to discourage you.
If anything, this is a post to CHALLENGE you to find ways to make your BIG goals ACTUALLY happen.