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A Little Story About Why I Was Blocked By A Financial Advisor

Feb 13, 2023
A Little Story About Why I Was Blocked  By A Financial Advisor

A little story about why I was blocked by a Financial Advisor last week:

He and I messaged a bit on LinkedIn a few months ago and agreed that an intro call together made sense.

The call went great.

But we weren't able to go over everything due to time, so we scheduled a call four days later.

He didn't show up to the closing call.

He didn't reply when I asked him when was a better time to reschedule.

He didn't reply after I followed up with him again days later.

So, after a month of not hearing back, I messaged him again to call him out:

• I expected better than to be completely ghosted
• Hearing "I'm not interested" is enough and the least he could do

Within about 15 minutes, he'd blocked me.

So, what's the purpose of my post?

Practice what you preach.

How can you expect prospects to show up for your calls when YOU treat other salespeople like shit?

If you expect your prospects to show up, don't no show other salespeople.

Respect goes a LONG way and I don't forget the people who disrespect me.


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